Tactics of Dragon Heist: Drow Gunslingers

4 min readAug 22, 2019


This article contains major spoilers for the D&D 5e adventure Waterdeep: Dragon Heist. If you are, or will be, a player in that adventure please don’t read further without your DM’s explicit permission

The Drow Gunslinger statblock is one of the few statblocks in Waterdeep: Dragon Heist that is used for multiple NPCs. It is used for Jarlaxle’s three lieutenants as well as the two gunslingers guarding smokepowder in the Hellraiser and the Heartbreaker.

Drow Gunslingers have extremely high Dexterity, indicating that they prefer to snipe at a range instead of engaging in melee combat. They have proficiency in perception and double proficiency in stealth, making them experts at setting ambushes and spotting targets that are trying to sneak past them. Due to their darkvision and sunlight sensitivity, Gunslingers always operate at night unless they have no other choice. They stick to rooftops when possible to make it harder for melee fighters to reach them.

Drow Gunslingers have two weapons: a shortsword and a poisonous pistol. The pistol deals more damage on average than even a shortsword multiattack, making it the Gunslinger’s weapon of choice. For most monsters, this would mean sniping with the pistol at the beginning of combat and switching to the shortsword to avoid attacking with disadvantage when enemies close to melee distance.

For a Drow Gunslinger, which has the gunslinger trait, a pistol is just as effective in melee as at range. Because of this, a Gunslinger will only pull out its shortsword to finish off two enemies within melee reach that are each below 7hp, to make an opportunity attack¹, or to avoid unwanted attention that would come from shooting a gun.² The gunslinger trait also lets a Drow Gunslinger attack without disadvantage at distances as far away as 90 feet, giving it no reason to move closer to its enemies.

Like all drow, Gunslingers can innately cast Dancing Lights, Faerie Fire, and Darkness. I recommend Drow Tactics Part 1 by themonstersknow.com for specifics on how ordinary drow use each of these spells. In summary, Faerie Fire is used to make targets easier to hit at the beginning of a fight, Darkness neutralizes a particularly dangerous spellcaster, and Dancing Lights makes it harder for opponents to sneak away. Ordinary drow don’t have Levitate, which a Gunslinger can use to float out of the reach of melee attackers if necessary.

All four of these spells require concentration, so a Gunslinger can only use one at a time. Here are the scenario’s where they use each one

  • In a group of Gunslingers, whichever one goes first casts Faerie Fire as its first action in combat, as long as it can target at least two enemies. A lone Gunslinger will only cast Faerie Fire when it expects the battle to last at least 4 rounds: otherwise, the advantage conferred by the spell is unlikely to be worth more than the pistol shot it gives up to cast it.³
  • A Gunslinger casts Darkness, to neutralize an offensive spell caster of 5th level or higher, ̶t̶a̶r̶g̶e̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶a̶ ̶p̶i̶e̶c̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶i̶r̶ ̶c̶l̶o̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶. I missed this when writing the article, but Darkness can’t target an object that is being worn or carried. Since they can’t make Darkness move with opponents, Gunslingers have to use it more tactically. Most spells require the caster to be able to see their target, so the best use of this spell is probably casting it in between the Gunslinger and a ranged spellcaster, forcing them to either come closer to the gunslinger and its allies or be unable to target them with spells. Gunslinger can’t tell a spellcaster’s level until it’s fought them for two or so rounds. Because of this, Darkness most likely won’t be cast until the third round of combat.
  • If a melee oriented opponent approaches within 60 feet of a Gunslinger, and it isn’t perched on a rooftop, it casts Levitate to float 10 feet up in the air so its enemy can’t reach it. When the Gunslinger is sustaining Faerie Fire or Darkness, it switches to Levitate only when there are TWO melee oriented opponents within 60 feet.
  • A Gunslinger always has better options than casting Dancing Lights. See an opponent sneaking away? Shoot them now instead of wasting a turn on a spell.

When a Gunslinger is leading ordinary drow, it delegates the casting of Faerie Fire and Darkness instead of doing it itself. If its team isn’t safe on rooftops, a Gunslinger leading other drow will engage melee enemies instead of avoiding them with Levitate. The reason for this is that a Gunslinger is much better equipped for melee combat than ordinary drow, and is loyal enough to Brengan D’Aerthe to take a couple injuries in order to prevent its allies’ death.

Gunslingers are loyal, but also very pragmatic. Unless fighting to the death would accomplish something vital to the Brengan D’Aerthe, a gunslinger will retreat when seriously wounded (reduced to 34 hp). If it still has Darkness available it casts it in between itself and its enemies, to hinder pursuit

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